Recycling and waste industry invited to have say on H&S culture

Recycling and waste industry invited to have say on H&S culture

Recycling and waste industry invited to have say on H&S culture

Recycling and waste industry invited to have say on H&S culture

The recycling and waste industry has been invited to have its say in an online survey measuring perceptions of the sector’s approach to health and safety. 

The survey, officially launched today (15th July 2024) by the Environmental Services Association (ESA), aims to help operators and stakeholders better understand how people working in recycling and waste treatment perceive the industry’s approach to H&S. 

Independent research company, Snap Surveys, are running the study, which poses nine short questions such as, would you be happy raising H&S concerns if you had any? Do you feel these are followed up and investigated? Do you feel safety is improving?

The survey is entirely anonymous and designed to be completed in a few minutes on a desktop, tablet or smart phone. 

Everyone working across the sector, regardless of role, is invited to have their say and the results (which will be attributed and reported on a whole-sector basis) will be published once the survey has concluded on 27th September 2024. 

The survey can be accessed here and the ESA invites all across the sector to promote and share the survey across their channels as they see fit.  The responses are intended to help construct a picture of the wider-industry’s current approach to managing H&S, and to track trends against our previous survey in 2022. 

This is the second time the ESA has run this biennial survey and the first was conducted in 2022. The results of the previous survey are available to view here

Operational staff who may not have daily access to a desktop can access the survey by scanning a QR code on a poster – which organisations across the sector are encouraged to download and display in relevant areas. The poster can be downloaded here

ESA policy advisor, Stephen Freeland, said: “Ours is a very diverse industry with different activities carried out by a host of players and with diverse risk profiles. We cannot be complacent and must strive for continuous improvement to ensure everyone goes home safe at the end of the day.

Raising standards, particularly around the critical area of Health and Safety, is a strategic priority for the ESA and its members. This survey allows us, and others in the sector, to take the temperature of health and safety culture across the industry and identify any areas where additional support might be required. The previous survey had a huge response, with more than 1,600 respondents, and we are very grateful for the support of everyone across the sector for participating.”