Our sector faces a few critical issues that require a society-wide response. The ESA plays a leading role within the sector campaigning to raise awareness and encourage behaviour change.

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There are a few critical issues facing the whole recycling and waste treatment sector that require a society-wide response to address.

Our sector is experiencing a growing risk of fires caused by batteries and other flammable materials that have been improperly discarded alongside other waste materials. This causes hundreds of millions of pounds worth of damage and threatens essential services.

In addition to policy and infrastructure solutions, our industry must do all we can to help and encourage consumers to properly dispose of these items.

To play our part, the ESA launched its Take Charge campaign in 2020 to tackle lithium-ion battery fires, and we launched an additional summer fire campaign in 2023 to address the perennial issue of fires caused by multiple ignition sources in the hotter, drier, months.

Both campaigns are “open source” and free for use and adaptation by all stakeholders. You can find out more info below.

Access the ESA’s campaigns portal for all downloadable materials for each of our campaigns.

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