Recycling and waste treatment services can also deliver against wider societal objectives with a focus on Social Value.

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A growing and aging population, economic volatility and global supply chain issues, among other factors, are placing funding pressures on public services.

Trade-offs are inevitably being made to prioritise statutory services, so it is more important than ever that core public services like recycling and waste treatment also deliver on wider objectives that benefit society, by building social value into procurement and service delivery.

The Public Services (Social Value) Act came into force in January 2013 and requires those who commission public services to think about how they can also secure wider social, economic and environmental benefit as part of the service.

In recognition of this, the ESA established a Social Value Working Group, which developed a Social Value Charter that sets out a framework for how social value can be created by our sector, alongside a mission statement that ESA members can sign up to voluntarily to demonstrate their intent towards creating social value. 

Social value initiatives are already being delivered across the sector and the ESA has compiled a selection of case studies from within our membership to showcase the opportunities that exist. 

Follow the links below to view our collection of social value video case studies. Our Social Value Charter and a selection of most recent social value articles can be accessed below or via the news page.


A collection of video case studies demonstrating how members of the Environmental Services Association are delivering Social Value as part of their service offering within the recycling and waste treatment industry.

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