ESA Working Group | Regulation
ESA exclusive Members only Regulation Working Group
ESA exclusive Members only Regulation Working Group
ESA exclusive Board Members only H&S Strategy Group The Strategy Group develops the high level policy work and H&S work plan for the association
ESA exclusive Members only WESA Working Group
ESA exclusive Members only Planning Working Group
In this webinar HMRC will provide: - a background into criminal activity and the impact it’s having on businesses and the environment an explanation of the different rates of Landfill Tax and cross border risks information on how you can protect your business from being exploited to waste crime
With hundreds of delegates in attendance The RECOUP Conference is unique in its ability to draw together stakeholders, NGOs, Local and National Government bodies, and companies with business interests to […]
This conference focuses on the future for environmental protection in Wales, and the establishment and remit of a new environmental governance body for Wales. Delegates will discuss the structure of […]
ESA exclusive Members' only EfW Working Group
This is an exclusive Member Only event. If you wish to join the group, and are a member, please reach out in the normal ways
ESA Member companies are entitled to a discount on tickets for this event. PLease contact Toni Lockhart for your unique code This important, technical event is designed specifically for operational decision-makers who need to drive performance excellence from their current waste to energy and biomass assets.